

will be absolutely jealous when they get this pic!!!! Under the cute rules, there is no better picture that this most perfect bitty puppy 'tock view! There is also perfect scale between the bitty puppy & mama! And don't forget the tail action & pink puppy toes! Enjoy baby Colt at 2 days old...


IHateToast said...

there is not enough greytock on CO. did you submit this? i hope so. those pink paws? the flip? the front legs tucked in for maximum warmage?

it must be accepted.

cindi said...

Yep, submitted away! Greyhound 'tocks are extra cute when they're babies :)

Angela said...

Good to see you posting to your blog again! I would peak in every so often. Sooooo sorry to hear about your doggy. They make such a mark on your heart and it's always hard to see them go. Congrats on the puppies too! What fun!
Take care!!!

Hege said...

I love the sweet little pink paws. How adorable. Hope you post more puppy pics! :)