
Bar Update

Again...unexciting for those of you smart enough *not* to go to law school!

Essays completed:
  • Torts [practice & graded]
  • Property [practice & graded]
  • Civ pro

Still have to do crim pro by Thursday. What's in store this week? Ahh...the exciting realm of administrative law, partnerships & corporations! Might throw in some crim law for fun! Can I just share that I absolutely HATE HATE HATE torts & property. They have to be the worst subjects in the world...not only are the full of balls that can be hidden [yes, hide the ball is a favorite game in law school] BUT, they are tediously boring w/lots of crap to memorize. I am the world's worst memorizer...

My mom rec'd the KPPM one-skein gloves I sent her on Saturday. Wow to the post office for delivering in 2 days. Will post pics at some point I promise [not like anyone really comments anyway!]...

But I digress...it's 11:45p and it's still like 80 outside [probably in the 90s--around 30 something for those of you on celsius today?]--that and we have no freakin' A/C in this house!!! How is it that the last 3 homes purchased haven't had A/C???? Why don't homes in Seattle have A/C? Apparently the planet is the hottest it's been in 2000 some years, yet we here don't recognize the need for A/C!!! Conspiracy of some sort? Blech...I'm off to retreat to bed & the portable A/C we put in there...good night...


Words...actual bar update [how un-exciting]

I've been stuck in the cave know as my back room for the past week and a half with bar studies! Things [so far] are progressing well & panic has yet to set in.

Outlines completed: Contracts; Property; Civil Procedure; Family Law; Community Property; Evidence

Outlines left to do [based on subjects still needed for classes...] agency, partnership, corporations UCC Sales, crim pro, crim procedure, constitution, torts, ethics, corporations, and many more that I'm blocking at this point in time...

Graded essays written: contracts. Graded essays I have to write by Saturday: property, civil procedure, family/civ pro, torts and ????

Realization #1: I know there's another one hidden away in there... And I keep plugging away at more practice essays...trying to stay positive here...

Realization #2: I've actually felt *guilty* when I'm doing things other than bar study! Feeding the dogs, doing laundry, taking a shower, vaccuuming, running an errand at the store...all are guilt inducing activities...strange...

Realization #3: the exam is only 4 or 5 weeks away & it seems like the noggin is already at capacity. What gives? Still must cram lots of knowledge in there and it doesn't seem like it will all fit.

Realization #4: I should NOT secretly be sneakin' in any knitting. I need to finish an alpaca one-skein glove [courtesy last-minute-knit-gifts], and the matching hedra... I also started Hourglass sweater in.....[drumroll]...STR lightweight...Falcon's Eye! I actually have pics of the one-skein gloves & matching drawstring bag that I made with some KPPM... [see above]

Realization #4[a]: LYS [Tricoter] is having their semi-annual sale right now...I was good & stayed home, studying, when they had cashmere at 50% off...Wish I had gone when they still had the classic elite luxury [though I have no $$ right now]...and I am secretly coventing 4 skeins of black Karabella 'Boise' cashmere @ 25% off to make the most *beautiful* cabled scarf they have as a sample [in red] in the store...DAMN me not working right now!

Realization #5: it's late & I'm staying up just to hear Jay Leno's monologue...I need to go to bed...I have double class tomorrow--crim pro in the morning & torts in the evening...crazy but I want a day off next week...


No pics...just words

Blech! Bar review has started full swing--I did 2 contracts essays yesterday & started on the contracts outline today. Taking a break right now, and of course, I let the dogs out for potty break, and Cherry comes back in totally golden-showered from head to tail! Bad boys! So, it was off to the bath for her! She's pretty good, but obviously prefers "eau d'naturale" than "fresh & clean" because she left the nastiest ring-around-the-tub...ICK...I'm leaving the tub cleaning to the H when he gets home from work tonight.

And as I'm in the office typing away, I'm noticing a pee smell there too! Evil cat probably pee'd on the carpet which means that the chem-dry people will need to come out again... Will it ever end?

As a side note...WTF to the ISP people who host www.cuteoverload.com as I went in for my daily "cute fix" and was rudely told that the site had exceeded it's bandwidth! Greedy bastards, don't you realize you're hosting a sight full of cute puppies and kittens??? Gimme back my cute-fix!


And Last Weekend...

We traveled all the way to Colorado with the dogs [well, Newell stayed with friends b/c he *hates* long car rides], to run the big ASFA Invitational! Hot weather, but good running & lots of great competition! Guess what??? Cherry placed 4th in FCh on Saturday, Evie came in around 9th [maybe lower--there was a second course that involved borzoi]; and on Sunday, Oliver came in 1st in Open [tough competition there], Evie tied for 5th in FCh AND we tied for the Kennel Stake!!!

Got to visit a friend in Cheyenne too... only thing I'm bummed about was that I missed Chick-fil-a [guilty pleasure]...

On the car ride, I learned that bumpy roads are not good for sock knitting, as the little buggers are more prone to flying off the needles [though I did start Hedra] ... finished 1 today & started on another mini-project as bar prep starts next week [blech]...