
Meet the New Guy...

Flash Gordon

Here's Flash! He's coming up next month [finally]! His full name is CTW Flash Gordon and he just turned 3yrs old :)

Flying him up on the new PetAirways & we're taking a road trip to pick him up. So excited!

Sorry, I don't know how to make the picture bigger!


More Firsts...

first blackberries of the season picked the other day from the wild & crazy shrubbery growing across the street.

And the first sunflower in the front yard.


Not sure if I like the fact that people have been posting comments in foreign Asian languages on my blog. The Chinese/Japanese or whatever language characters are a bit disarming from the standpoint that I have no idea if what these people posted is insulting or obscene or something! No offense to anyone but...apologies if the comments are rude in any way!