
I Surrender

I quit. Period. Stick a fork in me - I'm done.

How many times must a person get the shit kicked out of them? Seriously. As I've stated earlier, this year hasn't been the best for me for a number of reasons. Lately, there have been a TON of fabulous things happening - things that have made me think - gee, ok, things were a bit rocky for awhile, but look, everything is turning around; life is good, etc.

So now, I'm reaching the top of the mountain. I can see the top of the mountain. It is clearly within reach & is beyond fabulous. Just as I'm about to reach my hand out to grab on & pull myself up to a point where I've been CONVINCED it can't get any better...WHAM!!!! A foot comes out of knowhere & kicks me in the teeth. I have now spent the better part of today tumbling ass over tea kettle down the mountain.

I am sick of being bumped and bruised. I am sick of getting my ass kicked for no reason. For all the crap I've been through this year, I was even slowly coming to terms with everything & accepting how things would and are going to be. I have a great boyfriend, a great house, Evie, etc. I know there are people in this world who clearly have things worse than me - so don't get me wrong but in my 60 square mile universe - I am at a loss.

I am SO SICK of trying to pick my ass up because I keep getting kicked in the teeth. For the past four years it's seemed like this vicious circle that has intensified in the last year. My health - and I'm not that old - has gone to shit. Severe weight loss [which actually has helped in some areas :-O ] - clumps of hair falling out - infections - and much more that's not right for publication seems to be killing me. My stress level is out of control.

I simply give up. Blech.


IHateToast said...

oh man. i have no idea what to say to make you feel better. everything sounds trite right now. hope you can ride this out. and remember bf and evie. bf and evie. bf and evie.


it won't make things disappear, but maybe the good stuff can come to the forefront.

cindi said...

I sure hope so... I'm just frustrated! Blech. Think cute GH puppies...cute GH puppies... ahhh...

Hege said...

Same goes for me, I hope you can ride it out, and that things will turn around soon. All the best.