

Long weekend in sunny and *warm* Mexico on a mini-cruise. Needed that for sure--too much rain here in Seattle. Brought along my sock to try and get the gusset done--didn't make it that far.

Still working on my sweater for the Knitting Olympics...should be able to have it done? Had to pull apart & re-do the back since I apparantly decided to knit it 100 times looser than my gauge swatch. BUT, the front and back are done & put together...can't figure it out but when I tried it on, it hung on me like a damn cape or something...maybe that will improve with the sleeves being added? If not, a round in a hot water wash in the laundry may solve that problem ;) Onto the sleeves!

Dogs are happy to be home [well the boys anyway, will be getting the girls tomorrow]...the cats are generally chatty--which to Gizmo indicates "snack food..." Ugh...


1 comment:

Bridget said...

You need a picture from Mexico to warm the page up!