
Happy Halloween

The requisite Halloween pictures...we were pumpkins this year.

And we went to the park today. BEAUTIFUL fall day. The sun didn't fully break until after lunch, so I'm glad we held off & didn't go to the park until later. I had them dressed in their coats, which promptly came off as it was way too warm for them - even though it was in the low-mid 50s.

The DAP collar we are using with Flash also seems to be helping a LOT. Combined with the DAP diffuser [like a little glade plug-in] and his thundershirt, I think we have a winning combination. Well, the disclaimer being that he's not 100% cured of his anxieties, but his anxiety level has decreased from 100 to about 50 - which is significant. I'm also trying to note what his "triggers" may be - and narrow it down so we can learn things to work around them or overcome them if possible. His biggest trigger seems to be men. How to get over that fear?


Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

I have almost a whole bottle of the DAP spray that I'm not using since I declared Reagan a house dog. If you email me your address, I'll mail it to you. Hate to see it go to waste.

IHateToast said...

What would a pet-centered Halloween be like? Give out oily sardines? Little slivers of liver? Would the wealthier hoods hand out flashier goodies like bones with meat on them?

At least you wouldn't get any eye rolling.