Spring 1992 - March 20, 2009
I was going home one day to do laundry and there was a "Free Kittens" sign on the driveway of a house... I stopped, and there she was. And she stayed for the next 17 years. From Missouri to Florida, DC, Seattle, Colorado, New York and back to Seattle.
She lived almost 3.5yrs after my dogs attacked her in December 2005 - resulting in a perforated liver, dislocated jaw and a miriad of other issues [plus the most jumbo vet bill ever]. She collapsed almost 1yr to the day - possibly due to residual nerve damage from that attack, but she recovered again albeit with a few physical changes.
She was there through my divorce last year, and had another collapsing incident in April 2008 that I didn't think she would recover from at all. She did, but there was a marked difference. Her balance was WAY off - kinda like a car driving with a noticably bent frame. She had difficulty walking and jumping, but she scooted along like a trooper the best she could - and she ate like a fiend.
After much thought and tribulation, I made the decision to send her to my parents in Las Vegas in August this past year, along with Molly, my other cat. I was actually hoping to go to Vegas next month for a visit and to see her.
She was a good little cat - and I'll always miss her.
Sorry to hear of your loss. 17 years is a long time.
I'm sorry to hear Miss Thing has passed. It sounds like she's had a challenging time the past few years.
I have 3 kitties and 3 greyhounds that seem to live in peace together. Kitties have always held a special place in my heart - through the good and the bad times, they are ever present at our side, never complaining, just offering a soft place to lay our hands...
i'm sorry. i find that when a pet dies, it ends a phase of my life. this is who i was/what i did when i had Lorelei (or Sierra). those 17 years are Miss Thing's years. it's hard. you gave her a good life and she got to hang with the nutters in vegas at the end. many of us humans crave that.
you did right by her.
Thank you all. My friend Paul said something quiet interesting - that she came into my life during a very difficult time - and left at a difficult time. I wonder if this means that things will now be better and she doesn't need to be around to comfort me anymore?
It's also odd because that means it's been 16 years since my first cat - Percy - who I had since I was little died 1/5/93. Miss Thing was only about 6mo old when that happened. He'll be there to comfort her now...
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