
New Coat for ME!

Auntie Megan made me a new coat... it's red with a nice paisley flannel lining & a bit of blue stretchy stuff up front. This is my first coat. Well, kind of... I have another coat I use in the field, but this is my first real coat... Everyone else has their own coats but me. I guess I'm stuck in the same color scheme as my sister [red]; Newell has black, Evie is green & Oliver is blue. Aren't I handsome???

Mama took the photo w/her camer a phone again. She has yet to charge the camera battery.

Everyone ran at a meet this weekend. I only got to run 1x on Friday in LGRA. Supposedly, it isn't good to bump other dogs coming out of the starting box, so mama scratched me :( But it's FUN!!! Ayway, I'm proud of my little bro Oliver! He got his first title! Now, he's offically "Mesa Coronado, GRC." Oliver's the first pup in our house w/that title just like I'm the first pup in the house with a Ch. Houseguest Tara won in the FCh dogs today. She beat my older sister Evie. She's FAST. Cherry got bored [again] and came in 3rd. Cherry and I prefer other activities.

Anyway, it's raining, so I'm going back to sleep on the sofa.

~Gizmo Posted by Picasa


Angela said...

very handsome :) !!!!!!!

Val said...

Lookin' sharp, Giz.

Anonymous said...

Very handsome indeed!

megan robertson said...

Man oh man! That is one gorgeous doggy! He looks very dashing in red and deserved his very own coat! ~me~

IHateToast said...

i think red suits. very striking. and with grey? trés chic.