

We had some snow right before the new year - and because it stayed in the low 30s during the day, it stuck around for awhile. Just an inch or two, but it was pretty with all the snow near the house. It was also in the teens at night - so it all turned to crunchy icy snow :( Odd as downtown Seattle where I work had absolutely nothing! It will start to finally disappear this weekend as rain is expected.


houndstooth said...

I like snow for Christmas and then I'm done with it! lol We had a lot, and it all got washed away on New Year's Eve. I'm sure we'll get more soon, though! You definitely got some pretty pictures of yours!

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

I would have thought you guys would have snow regularly in Seattle.... but never been so what do I know! :-)

cindi said...

Snow isn't that common. Last year we had none - just rain between Nov - June! The year before we had over 2ft that last from about a week before xmas to the new year. The water keeps us fairly warm. At my place - we rarely get any because we are only 400ft above sea level!