Cherry is looking absolutely thrilled at the prospect of a new year. [Please ignore her extra long toe-nails that need to be trimmed.]
Actually, Cherry came into season about a week before xmas. Thrilling. We had no power b/c of the wind storm [which some genius is trying to have a naming contest for--hello, stupid] and trying to put pants on her was a pain. Even better--we have guest greyhounds Tara [pictured grinning above] and Tigger staying with us while their parents went to Denmark for the holidays. Not the best timing, but they're good kids. And yes, even neutered dogs will try to get their freak on with a hottie in season!
Sidebar: Tara's funny b/c she has a little gap in her lips so it always looks like she's got a weird smile/grin on her face? Very cute. She is Newell's 1st love. She & Newell were our original greyhounds--gaining us great friends that we've had for almost 5yrs now!
Back to the Cherry saga:Lesson learned--
Depends undergarments work *great* for puppy pants that you don't have to launder! When Cherry had her second season & we were lamenting at a dog event about what a pain it was to wash her panties all the time, a whippet owner suggested baby diapers. Cool! Problem is, baby diapers only apparently work for whippets. Greyhound thighs are TOO BIG! Hence the
Depends. Cherry's on a 7-8mo cycle which isn't too bad.
So, Phil's staying in the trailer with Oliver & Gizmo. Which is a GREAT time since both boys KNOW she's in season & are whiny & whimpering at all hours. Phil's had -0- sleep. Blech. And, I had a long weekend for New Year's which we didn't get to spend together b/c he had to be with the boys in the trailer the whole time & I was in the house with the girls + Newell & Tigger. Not like we go out for New Year's but still. And my long weekend off of work turned into a 5-day weekend [due to President Ford's death, and me being a fed emp.] of which we couldn't go anywhere b/c of the guest dogs, Cherry, etc. Ugh. Somewhere warm & tropical was calling me!
Then the
!@#$%^&* kids shooting off fireworks in front of my house didn't help matters. Newell hates fireworks & Oliver is just terrified--so combine terror + bitch in season & you get a dog who screamed & howled all night. I had to ace Newell to keep him calm & Phil aced Oliver but it didn't do any good. It's certainly a learning experience with Cherry since she's the first dog/animal I've ever owned that hasn't been spayed/neutered. We're hoping this will be worth it in the end & she has amazing pups next winter.
Anyway, happy new year. [And no, I'm still lazy & still taking pics w/the camera phone, hence the wonderful picture quality in this post.]